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  • Valerie

Peach Cobbler

Last week, I made my very first peach cobbler. I've been baking for years, but never made a cobbler in my life (not that I remember anyway). I scoured the internet for an easy recipe that had only ingredients that I have on hand. I don't know about you, but I'm not running to the start for a block of cream cheese at 9 PM just to make something.

The recipe that I chose was found on I used 4 fresh peaches that I purchased at our local farmer's market a few days prior. These peaches were enormous, like the size of softballs! They were also super juicy - this totally affected the cobbler and I'll get to that in a minute.

The recipe was super simple and since I didn't have the amount of peaches it required, I only made a half recipe. Butter, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and milk are all things I have in my kitchen pretty much all the time.

First thing was to peel the peaches carefully. I couldn't find my peeler (probably hidden by my husband) so I used a pairing knife. Be careful if you do this. The peaches are slippery little suckers so you may end up with a knife in your thumb if you're not careful. Next, I cut the peaches and I did this right over the sauce pan so that I didn't lose any of the juices on a cutting board. Then I added my sugar to the pan and just a little salt and cooked those suckers on medium for about 5 minutes. Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention to the time because I was working on the other ingredients, but I think it was 5 minutes or less for the sugar to absorb into the peaches.

Next up, I put the butter in a 8x8 baking dish and put it in the warm oven so that the butter melted. That only took 2-3 minutes. Then I made up the batter of this recipe and poured it over the melted butter. The peaches went on last. I was worried that they would just stay on top and burn, but like the recipe said, the sunk and the batter went over them.

I did pour extra juice from the peaches on top of the batter. I added way too much though because my bake time was over 30 minutes. The batter would just not bake through. Next time, I will limit the juice to maybe 1/4 cup.

Overall, this recipe tasted really good. I think it needed some real whipped cream or vanilla ice cream to really help bring out the peaches, but I will definitely make this again.

Here's some photos of it:

I sliced them kind of chunky
Peaches in the pan

Cobbler Batter

Just before it went in the oven. Notice all the juice!

After it's baked!


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